“But I’m not creative…”

So says Fred Armisen’s Uncle Tio matter-of-factly in S1E3 of HBO’s Los Espookys. I was struck by that line when I first heard it.

When I think about it, I realize I could never bring myself to utter those words so calmly – and with such non-judgmental acceptance – as Uncle Tio does.

Why is that?

Maybe it’s because I feel like I’ve spent my entire adult life chasing my creativity, wanting to prove it to myself, to others, trying to capture it (or recapture it) and make it stay. As a result, the last thing I’d ever want to do is give up and admit some kind of defeat.

So what gives?

The truth is, I don’t ever have to feel any “creative defeat” – because all humans are inherently creative. A quick Google search reveals scores of results affirming this, from scientific studies on DNA analysis of early humans vs modern brains, to philosophical treatises to psychological analyses.

For example, this article references several types of research across different domains and disciplines. But despite overwhelming evidence that proves we’re all creative, the problem really boils down to this: some of us just tell ourselves we’re not. And some of us tell others they’re not. As a result, a lot of us keep wondering if we are. But we are! We are creative.

Never let anyone tell you you’re not creative, or make you believe you’re not creative – or unique – in the thousand small ways they find to do this. Know that you are…because we are stardust, we are golden. (And that’s not just poetry, it’s true!)

So go out there and create, and don’t worry whether or not what you do is genius level. Just have fun….because in the immortal words of Salieri from Amadeus:

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